MGSurvE’s documentation!
MGSurvE is a python package designed to optimize the location of mosquito traps in complex spatially-heterogeneous environments. Have a look at our github repo for the latest code or install our package through pypi.
Our tutorials sections contains several use-case examples!

MGSurvE aims to be a fairly flexible utility that serves as a tool to compare and contrast effectiveness of trapping schemes in a variety of situations. To this end, we have integrated the following features into our package (with more coming in future updates):
Support for different point-types
Random point-process landscape generators
Customizable movement kernels
Different movement kernels for male and female mosquitos
Customizable trap attractiveness kernels
Different attractiveness levels at specific point-type transitions
Different trap attractiveness levels for male and female mosquitos
Immovable traps
Integrated plotting routines
Integrated Map-plotting routines (for GIS geometries)
Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle-Swarm Optimization (PSO) routines integration
Attractiveness/repellency effects
Docker images
Have a look at our tutorials and upcoming webinar for more demonstrations and materials on how to get started with our software!

Site’s Map
- Installation
- Pkg Breakdown
- Tutorials
- 1. Quickstart
- 2. Landscape Creation
- 3. Landscape Update
- 4. Sites and Trap Types
- 5. GA Optimization
- 6. GA with Immovable Traps
- 7. GA Custom with Multi-Point Type
- 8. GA with Sex Kernels
- 9. Stage-Specific Traps
- 10. GA in a Realistic Landscape
- 11. Particle-Swarm Optimization (PSO)
- 12. GA Discrete Optimization
- 13. Discrete GA in a Realistic Landscape
- Visualizing Traps’ Kernels
- Benchmarks
- Future