Journal Articles
[Author position indicated in brackets]
- PNAS "Eliminating malaria vectors with precision-guided sterile males." [7/10]
- PLoS Computational Biology "MGSurvE: A framework to optimize trap placement for genetic surveillance of mosquito populations." [1/3]
- PLoS Computational Biology "MGDrivE 3: A decoupled vector-human framework for epidemiological simulation of mosquito genetic control tools and their surveillance." [2/3]
- eLife "Targeting Sex Determination to Suppress Mosquito Populations." [8/15]
- PNAS "Dual effector population modification gene‑drive strains of the African malaria mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii." [7/11]
- Science Advances "A confinable female-lethal population suppression system in the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae." [4/10]
- PLoS Computational Biology "Spatial Dynamics of Malaria Transmission." [6/16]
- Frontiers in Genetics "Monitoring needs for gene drive mosquito projects: Lessons from vector control field trials and invasive species." [4/5]
- Nature Communications "Exploiting a Y chromosome-linked Cas9 for sex selection and gene drive." [7/13]
- Advances in Computational Intelligence "Deep Learning Architectures Applied to Mosquito Count Regressions in US Datasets." [3/6]
- Nature Communications "Suppressing mosquito populations with precision guided sterile males." [16/21]
- BioEssays "Population modification strategies for malaria vector control are uniquely resilient to observed levels of gene drive resistance alleles." [2/5]
- PLoS Computational Biology "MGDrivE 2: A simulation framework for gene drive systems incorporating seasonality and epidemiological dynamics." [3/6]
- PNAS "Comparing metapopulation dynamics of infectious diseases under different models of human movement." [6/7]
- BMC Biology "Modeling confinement and reversibility of threshold-dependent gene drive systems in spatially-explicit Aedes aegypti populations." [1/6]
- PLoS Computational Biology "Vector bionomics and vectorial capacity as emergent properties of mosquito behaviors and ecology." [2/21]
- Nature Communications "A transcomplementing gene drive provides a flexible platform for laboratory investigation and potential field deployment." [3/8]
- eLife "Development of a confinable gene drive system in the human disease vector, Aedes aegypti." [8/13]
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution "MGDrivE: A modular simulation framework for the spread of gene drives through spatially‐explicit mosquito populations." [1/4]
- Nature Communications "Reply to 'Concerns about the feasibility of using “precision guided sterile males” to control insects'." [3/6]
- Nature Communications "Transforming insect population control with precision guided sterile males with demonstration in flies." [3/6]
- PNAS "Consequences of resistance evolution in a Cas9-based sex-conversion suppression gene drive for insect pest management." [4/7]
- Scientific Reports "Mathematical models of human mobility of relevance to malaria transmission in Africa." [3/10]
- PLoS ONE "Attacking the mosquito on multiple fronts: Insights from the Vector Control Optimization Model (VCOM) for malaria elimination." [5/8]
- Scientific Reports "Overcoming evolved resistance to population-suppressing homing-based gene drives." [3/4]
- Neurocomputing "Identification of Cassin's Vireo (Vireo cassinii) individuals from their acoustic sequences using an ensemble of learners." [2/5]
- Bioacoustics "Structure, syntax and “small-world” organization in the complex songs of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum)." [3/4]
Preprints and Reports
- bioRxiv 2024 "Mosquito Dispersal in Context." [1/8]
- Scientific African 2024 "Building Regional Capacity to Implement Precision Guided Sterile Insect Technique for Malaria Control in West Africa." [4/9]
- medRxiv 2024 "A model-informed target product profile for population modification gene drives for malaria control." [2/3]
- bioRxiv 2024 "Cost-effectiveness of Precision Guided SIT for Control of Anopheles gambiae in the Upper River Region, The Gambia." [4/10]
- bioRxiv 2021 "Eliminating Aedes aegypti from its southern margin in Australia: insights from genomic data and simulation modeling." [6/8]
- bioRxiv 2016 "Effects of Spatial Heterogeneity on Transmission Potential in Vectorial-Contact Networks: A Comparison of Three Aedes aegypti Control Strategies." [1/4]
- Report 2023 "Sensitivity Analysis on: 'Targeting Sex Determination to Suppress Mosquito Populations' (Modeling Construct Design and Releases)." [1/2]
- Report 2011 "Computer Vision Via Weighting Algorithm and an Artificial Target for Location with a Vehicle." [1/2]
- Report 2009 "Simulación Dinámica de una Cadena Cinemática Abierta a partir del Modelo Euler-LaGrange y Considerando el Modelo Dinámico de los Servo-motores para su Aplicación de Robots Humanoides." [1/2]
- MVCAC 2025 "California West Nile Virus Forecasting Challenge"
- WSMS 2024 "California 2024 West Nile Virus Forecasting Challenge"
- CDC's Insight Net 2024 "West Nile Virus: California Forecasting Challenge"
- CDPH 2024 "Team Meeting: (MGDrivE + MoNeT) & (MGSurvE)"
- ASTMH 2023 "A framework to optimize trap placement for genetic surveillance of mosquito populations"
- Webinar 2023 "MGSurvE 2023 Webinar"
- UCIMI Annual Meeting 2023 "MGSurvE & São Tomé and Príncipe (Projects Updates)"
- Webinar 2022 "MGDrivE's First Anual Webinar"
- BAEEID 2022 "MGSurvE: A Python Package to Optimize the Surveillance of Genetically-Engineered Mosquitos Released in the Field"
- IHME 2021 "MGSurvE: Mosquito Gene SurveillancE (Proof of Concept)"
- ITESM 2021 "(CRISPR & CS) vs (Mosquitoes): The use of novel genetic techniques and mathematical modeling to elminate mosquito-transmitted diseases"
- MMC 2020 "Modeling the Population Replacement Strategy for Genetic Control of Malaria Vectors on Islands"
- IHME 2020 "Show and Tell: Gene Drives' Mathematical Modeling"
- TIGS 2019 "Gene Drives' Mathematical Modeling"
- DARPA Safe Genes 2019 "Threshold Dependent Drives (Reciprocal Chromosomal Translocations and UDMel)"
- IDD 2018 "MGDrivE: A simulation framework for gene drive releases in spatially explicit mosquito populations, and its application to mosquito borne diseases control"
- CompBio Retreat 2018 "MGDrivE: The Original Trilogy"
- NCCB 2018 "MGDrivE:
A simulation framework for gene drive spread in spatially explicit mosquito populations,its application to releases optimization, and confinement in an Australian setting." - NCCB 2018 "MICRO: An Eco-epidemiological Agent-based Framework for the Modeling of Mosquito-borne Pathogens"
- NCCB 2017 "MGDrivE: Mosquito Gene-Drive Explorer"
- ITESM 2017 "SoNA3BS: An Agent-Based Model to Study High-Resolution Spatial Heterogeneity in Aedes aegypti-Borne Diseases Through the Use of Network Theory"
- IGI 2023 "Using Neural Network Regression Emulators and Sensitivity Analysis to Characterize the use of Precision-Guided Sterile Insect Technique in Aedes Aegypti Mosquito Populations"
- BAEEID 2023 "Sensitivity Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Mosquito Gene Drive Emulators"
- Epidemics 8 "Target Product Profile Modeling for Mosquito Gene Drive Systems"
- DARPA Safe Genes 2021 (Fall)"MGDrivE with Applications to Split-Drive, pgSIT, Monitoring and Surveillance"
- DARPA Safe Genes 2021 (Spring)"MGDrivE with Applications to Split Drive and Precision-Guided SIT."
- ASTMH 2020 "New methods for modeling Anopheles gambiae s.l. movement with environmental and genetic data."
- ASTMH 2020 "Modeling and Comparing Release Scenarios for Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in São Tomé and Príncipe."
- ASTMH 2018 "MGDrivE: A simulation framework for gene drive in spatially-explicit mosquito populations and its application to threshold-dependent systems"
- NetSci 2018 "Network Analysis of Mosquito Habitats for Controlling Vector-Borne Pathogens."
- CompBio Retreat 2017 "A Tale of Two Cities: Confinability and Remediation Potential of UDmel and Translocation Gene-Drives in Spatially Explicit Aedes aegypti Populations"
- IGI Open House "CRISPR-Cas9-based gene drive architecture for control of agricultural pests"
- Security Implications of Genome Editing Technology "Predicting Gene Drive Restraints in a Directed Genetic Landscape."
- ASTMH 2016 "Overcoming Evolved Resistance to Population-Supressing Homing-Based Gene Drives"
- ASTMH 2016 "Attacking the Mosquito on Multiple Fronts: Insights on Optimal Combinations of Vector Control Interventions for Malaria Elimination from a Mathematical Model"
- ALife 2016 "PajaroLoco: A suite of programs to study complex adaptive properties of animal language. An example of a Cassin’s vireo syntax network."
- ININ-SUTIN 2011 "Seguimiento de un objetivo mediante promedios ponderados para el control del desplazamiento de un robot móvil."
Theses, Lectures and Workshops
- BSc Final Project @ ITESM 2022 "Mejora en la optimización de la ubicación de trampas para mosquito con Particle Swarm Optimization"
- BSc Final Project @ ITESM 2022 "Extending Visualization Routines for the Spread of Genetic Variants of Mosquito Populations"
- BSc Final Project @ ITESM 2021 "Predicción de la Ventana de Protección, Tiempo de Introgresión y Tiempo Cumulativo Potencial de Transgresión en simulaciones de poblaciones de mosquitos genéticamente modificados con Machine Learning"
- BSc Project @ UNAM 2021 "Machine Learning Final Project: Mosquito Gene Drives (with application to simulated datasets on São Tomé and Príncipe)"
- MSc Thesis @ ITESM 2019 "Application of a hybrid neural network trained with satellite imagery and weather data to predict mosquito populations based on mosquito trap captures"
- MSc Thesis @ ITESM 2019 "A Novel Deep Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Time Series Forecasting of Mosquito-Borne Disease Case Counts"
- BSc Thesis @ Berkeley 2019 "Quantifying the Relationship Between Spatial Habitat Distribution and Homing Allele Fixation in MCR Gene Drive Systems for Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes"
- PhD Thesis @ ITESM 2017 "SoNA3BS: An Agent-Based Model to Study High-Resolution Spatial Heterogeneity in Aedes aegypti-Borne Diseases Through the Use of Network Theory"
- Workshop @ BIDS' Carpentry 2019 "Introducción a R y Git"
- Lecture @ Berkeley 2019 "Gaming for Public Health"
- Faculty Workshop @ ITESM 2019 "dataPy CADi"
- Faculty Workshop @ ITESM 2018 "dataViz CADi"
- Lectures @ ITESM 2015
"Introduction to Programming" - Lecture @ ITESM 2011
"Computer Vision Applications with LabView"
Kevin Islas (CS), Rodrigo Careaga (CS), Mario Durán (CS), Cuauhtémoc Suárez (CS) - [BSc] Berkeley
Biyonka Liang (Stats), Gillian Chu (CS), Sarafina Smith (CS), Sabrina Wong (CS), Maya Shen (CS), Yunwen Ji (CS), Priscilla Zhang (DataSci), Chris De Leon (CS), Ameek Bindra (DataSci), Elijah Bartolome (CS), Kendall Dimson (Biology), Ayden Salazar (DataSci), Lillian Weng (CS), Xingli Yu (BioEng), Joanna Yoo (DataSci) - [BSc] ITESM
Topiltzin Hernández Mares (CS), Manuel Yafté Gallegos López (CS), Ana L. Dueñas (CS), Juán J. Olivera L. (CS), Jorge A. Niño C (CS), Martín A. Molinero M. (CS) - [BSc] UNAM
Guillermo O. Cota M. (Math & DataSci)