
Data-Visualization functions (thanks to Elijah Bartolome in the implementation of some of the visualization functions).


plotClean(fig, ax[, frame, bbox, labels, pad])

Makes axes equally spaced and removes frame.

plotDirectedNetwork(fig, ax, sites, pTypes, ...)

Plots edge and node centrality.

plotFitness(fig, ax, fitness[, pos, fmt, ...])

Adds the fitness value to the plot.

plotGAEvolution(fig, ax, gaLog[, colors, ...])

Makes axes equally spaced and removes frame.

plotLandBoundary(fig, ax[, landTuples])

Plots the land's boundary as a polygon.

plotMatrix(fig, ax, matrix[, trapsNumber, ...])

Block matrix plot for the connection network.

plotMigrationNetwork(fig, ax, transMtx, ...)

Plots a transitions matrix.

plotMovementKernel(fig, ax, xPoints, lnd[, ...])

Generates a relative movement kernel plot.

plotSites(fig, ax, sites, pTypes[, markers, ...])

Plots a transitions matrix.

plotTraps(fig, ax, trapsCoords, trapsTypes, ...)

Plots the traps with the radii of effectiveness.

plotTrapsKernels(fig, ax, lnd[, colors, ...])

Creates a distance-attractiveness plot for kernels present in the landscape.

plotTrapsNetwork(fig, ax, transMtx, traps, sites)

Plots the connectivity network of traps in the landscape.


Forces matplotlib to clear all memory (probably an overkill).

saveFig(fig, ax, filepath, filename[, dpi, ...])

Save figure to disk.