
Migration and masking operations upon matrices.


calcAttractiveness(migrationMtx, ...)

Calculates the effects of attractiveness in the migration matrix.

calcDistanceMatrix(pointCoords[, distFun])

Calculates the distance matrix between all the provided coordinates.

calcMaskedMigrationMatrix(migrationMatrix, ...)

Calculates the masked migration matrix between points according to their types.

calcTrapsProbabilities(trapsDistances, ...)

Calculates the traps probabilities given distances to points in the landscape and their effectiveness kernels.

calcTrapsToPointsDistances(trapsCoords, ...)

Generates the distances matrix between the traps and the sites.

genVoidFullMigrationMatrix(migrationMatrix, ...)

Calculates a migration matrix with sections for traps (Xi) to be filled in place.