Mosquito App

This project was developed at “Tecnológico de Monterrey” as part of a collaboration with UC, Berkeley. The aim of the project was to develop a mobile application that was able to capture mosquito sightings with the following information:

Another feature of the app is that it allows researchers with access to the database, to download all the sightings with all the related information.

Video Demonstrations

Two videos were recorded with the demonstrations of how the mobile app works. The initial one shows the early stages of development:

whilst the second one shows the app in the state closest to its release:


This work was being carried out by the CS undergraduate student: Martín A. Molinero M.; and it is being developed in its own github repository

Martín A. Molinero M., Benjamín Valdés [ITESM], Héctor M. Sánchez C. [UCB], András Takacs [ITESM]