GA in a Realistic Landscape ------------ In this example, we will be testing some of `MGSurvE `_'s capabilities to optimize realistic landscapes. We will use the São Tomé landscape (in equatorial Africa) to test out an optimal positioning of traps to minimize time to detection of a transgene. .. image:: ../../img/STP_10_CLN.jpg :align: center To do so, we will use an external point-set dataset, and an independently-generated migration matrix both created by `Tomás León `_. Reading Spatial Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time we'll be reading the coordinates from a CSV file. An excerpt of this file looks like this: .. code-block:: python lon,lat,pop 7.35312,1.59888,42 7.37718,1.6205,93 7.37951,1.67867,1 7.38006,1.64933,144 7.38039,1.65644,56 ... We will read the coordinates and store them in a dataframe as before with all sites being the same type :code:`0`. .. code-block:: python sites = pd.read_csv('stp_cluster_sites_pop_v5_fixed.csv') sites['t'] = [0]*sites.shape[0] As our original file contains locations for both São Tomé & Príncipe, this time we will subset the sites and matrices to contain only the latter part of the elements (index controlled by :code:`IX_SPLIT`) For now, we will rename the :code:`lon, lat` columns to :code:`x, y` so that we can work with Euclidean geometry as the distances are quite short (in future updates we will include operators for spherical geometries): .. code-block:: python SAO_TOME_LL = sites.iloc[IX_SPLIT:] SAO_bbox = ( (min(SAO_TOME_LL['lon']), max(SAO_TOME_LL['lon'])), (min(SAO_TOME_LL['lat']), max(SAO_TOME_LL['lat'])) ) SAO_TOME_LL = SAO_TOME_LL .rename( columns={'lon': 'x', 'lat': 'y'} ) And, we define our bounding box manually for visualization purposes: .. code-block:: python SAO_LIMITS = ((6.41, 6.79), (-0.0475, .45)) Finally, we load the migration matrix (generated independently), subset the desired region, set the diagonal to :code:`0`, and re-normalize: .. code-block:: python migration = np.genfromtxt('kernel_cluster_v6a.csv', delimiter=',') msplit = migration[IX_SPLIT:,IX_SPLIT:] np.fill_diagonal(msplit, DIAG_VAL) SAO_TOME_MIG = normalize(msplit, axis=1, norm='l1') Setting Traps Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, we will setup some traps in the environment (controlled by the :code:`TRPS_NUM` variable) in random uniform locations: .. code-block:: python nullTraps = [0]*TRPS_NUM (lonTrap, latTrap) = ( np.random.uniform(SAO_bbox[0][0], SAO_bbox[0][1], TRPS_NUM), np.random.uniform(SAO_bbox[1][0], SAO_bbox[1][1], TRPS_NUM) ) traps = pd.DataFrame({ 'x': lonTrap, 'y': latTrap, 't': nullTraps, 'f': nullTraps }) tKer = {0: {'kernel': srv.exponentialDecay, 'params': {'A': .5, 'b': 100}}} Defining Landscape ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, as we'd like to plot our landscape in a coordinate system, we define our object with the :code:`ccrs.PlateCarree()` projection using `cartopy `_: .. code-block:: python lnd = srv.Landscape( SAO_TOME_LL, migrationMatrix=SAO_TOME_MIG, traps=traps, trapsKernels=tKer, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), landLimits=SAO_LIMITS, ) bbox = lnd.getBoundingBox() trpMsk = srv.genFixedTrapsMask(lnd.trapsFixed) And now, we generate our geo axes and figure: .. code-block:: python (fig, ax) = ( plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)), plt.axes(projection=lnd.projection) ) lnd.plotSites(fig, ax, size=100) lnd.plotTraps(fig, ax) lnd.plotMigrationNetwork( fig, ax, lineWidth=5, alphaMin=.5, alphaAmplitude=2.5, ) lnd.plotLandBoundary(fig, ax) srv.plotClean(fig, ax, bbox=lnd.landLimits) .. image:: ../../img/STP_10_CLN.jpg :align: center :width: 400px Setting GA Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next thing to do is to setup our GA's variables for optimization: .. code-block:: python POP_SIZE = int(10*(lnd.trapsNumber*1.25)) (MAT, MUT, SEL) = ( {'mate': .35, 'cxpb': 0.5}, { 'mean': 0, 'sd': min([abs(i[1]-i[0]) for i in bbox])/5, 'mutpb': .35, 'ipb': .5 }, {'tSize': 5} ) VERBOSE = True lndGA = deepcopy(lnd) And to register all the optimization operators: .. code-block:: python toolbox = base.Toolbox() creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0, ) ) creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin ) toolbox.register("initChromosome", srv.initChromosome, trapsCoords=lndGA.trapsCoords, fixedTrapsMask=trpMsk, coordsRange=bbox ) toolbox.register("individualCreator", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.initChromosome ) toolbox.register("populationCreator", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individualCreator ) toolbox.register( "mate", tools.cxBlend, alpha=MAT['mate'] ) toolbox.register( "mutate", tools.mutGaussian, mu=MUT['mean'], sigma=MUT['sd'], indpb=MUT['ipb'] ) toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=SEL['tSize'] ) toolbox.register("evaluate", srv.calcFitness, landscape=lndGA, optimFunction=srv.getDaysTillTrapped, optimFunctionArgs={'outer': np.mean, 'inner': np.max} ) Finally, we setup our statistics: .. code-block:: python pop = toolbox.populationCreator(n=POP_SIZE) hof = tools.HallOfFame(1) stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: stats.register("min", np.min) stats.register("avg", np.mean) stats.register("max", np.max) stats.register("best", lambda fitnessValues: fitnessValues.index(min(fitnessValues))) stats.register("traps", lambda fitnessValues: pop[fitnessValues.index(min(fitnessValues))]) This is done the same way it has been done for previous examples, so no changes are needed in this part. Optimizing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now run our optimization routine as we have done before, and store the results: .. code-block:: python (pop, logbook) = algorithms.eaSimple( pop, toolbox, cxpb=MAT['cxpb'], mutpb=MUT['mutpb'], ngen=GENS, stats=stats, halloffame=hof, verbose=VERBOSE ) bestChromosome = hof[0] bestTraps = np.reshape(bestChromosome, (-1, 2)) lnd.updateTrapsCoords(bestTraps) dta = pd.DataFrame(logbook) Plotting Results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, we can plot our landscape with the optimized traps' locations: .. code-block:: python (fig, ax) = ( plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)), plt.axes(projection=lnd.projection) ) lnd.plotSites(fig, ax) lnd.plotMigrationNetwork( fig, ax, lineWidth=5, alphaMin=.5, alphaAmplitude=5, ) lnd.plotTraps(fig, ax, zorders=(25, 20)) srv.plotFitness(fig, ax, min(dta['min']), fmt='{:.2f}') lnd.plotLandBoundary(fig, ax) srv.plotClean(fig, ax, bbox=lnd.landLimits) .. image:: ../../img/STP_10_TRP.jpg :align: center For the full code used in this demo, follow this `link `_.