(CRISPR & CS) vs (Mosquitoes)
The use of novel genetic techniques and mathematical modeling to elminate mosquito-transmitted diseases

Héctor M. Sánchez C. (sanchez.hmsc@berkeley.edu)
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I. Mosquito-Borne Diseases Burden

1) Human Cost

2) Traditional Approaches to Control

3) CRISPR and Gene Drives

4) How is this useful?

1) Human Cost

2) Traditional Approaches to Control

3) CRISPR and Gene Drives

4) How is this useful?

II. CRISPR-Based Approaches to Control

1) Replacement VS Suppression

2) Design Considerations

3) How do we decide/design?

1) Replacement VS Suppression

2) Design Considerations

2) Design Considerations

3) How do we decide/design?

III. Mathematical Modeling

1) MGDrivE

2) Research Interests

3) Research Product Example

1) MGDrivE: Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer

1) MGDrivE: Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer

1) MGDrivE: São Tomé & Príncipe

1) MGDrivE: São Tomé & Príncipe

2) Research Interests: Data Analysis

2) Research Interests: Networks

2) Research Interests: Machine Learning

3) Research Product Example

IV. Closing Remarks

1) Interdisciplinary Collaborations

2) Flexibility/Adaptability

1) Interdisciplinary Collaborations

2) Flexibility/Adaptability

"Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don’t think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn’t stop you from doing anything at all.” -Richard Feynman

Team, Papers, and Questions

PIs: John Marshall, David Smith
Assistant Project Scientist: Héctor M. Sánchez C.
Postdocs: Tomás León*, Víctor Ferman*
PhD Students: Jared Bennett, Sean L. Wu*

Collaborators: Benjamín Valdés, Miguel Gonzalez

Active Undergrads: Christopher De Leon, Guillermo Cota, Ana L. Dueñas C., Juan J. Olivera L., Eugenio S. Almanza
Former Undergrads Berkeley: Gillian Chu, Maya Shen, Yunwen Ji, Biyonka Liang, Sarafina Smith, Priscilla Zhang, Sabrina Wong
Former Undergrads ITESM: Jorge A. Niño C., Marco Luna, Martín A. Molinero M., Christian R. Solís C., Salomón O. Abud, Esteban Q. Cueto

"Eliminating Mosquitoes with Precision Guided Sterile Males."
"MGDrivE 2: A simulation framework for gene drive systems incorporating seasonality and epidemiological dynamics."
"Confinement and reversibility of threshold-dependent gene drive systems in spatially-explicit Aedes aegypti populations."
"A transcomplementing gene drive provides a flexible platform for laboratory investigation and potential field deployment."
"Development of a confinable gene drive system in the human disease vector, Aedes aegypti."
"Reply to 'Concerns about the feasibility of using “precision guided sterile males” to control insects'."
"Transforming insect population control with precision guided sterile males with demonstration in flies."
"MGDrivE: A modular simulation framework for the spread of gene drives through spatially‐explicit mosquito populations."
"Consequences of resistance evolution in a Cas9-based sex-conversion suppression gene drive for insect pest management."
"Overcoming evolved resistance to population-suppressing homing-based gene drives."